
Do you have a coding challenge or technical challenge? Add it here. If someone accepts the challenge, we can have a session around it.


We are planning a "Transportation Information/RideShare" camp in Silicon Valley some time soon. Palm has offered to host it at their offices. I would much rather call it a challenge than just a camp. Deliverable at the end of the challenge is a standard format for describing a trip, and an architecture to provide interoperability between transportation information/ride share systems. Presently, I know of 3 ride share systems that have some following. I am sure there are more and will be even more coming on line. Trouble is that if someone advertises a trip on one system, how will users on other systems be able to make the connection? The 3 I can think of off the top of my head are, Facebook CarPool, and Facebook GoLoco. Google is also working on Google Transit, and they are rumored to be willing to host this camp/challenge also. Obviously Palm is interested because all of this needs to work on mobile devices with easy-to-use interfaces. Ultimately, I would like to have a system that asks the user where he/she wants to go and offers all travel options with mode(s), route, cost, time, carbon footprint, calories burned (if bike or walk), etc., so people can make intelligent travel choices. And of course, Air Taxi must be one of the options!