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Page history last edited by Lino Tadros 15 years ago

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Presentation Tracks


Below is a list of possible tracks that we will have at this years Code Camp.  If you have a presentation that doesn't fit in the list, please add a track that you feel would be appropriate.  Or, if you are coming to learn and would like to have a track on a specific programming related topic, feel free to add it.


Note, some of these topics can be greatly expanded (Visual Studio could be broken down into the separate languages, etc.) but let's keep things simple for now.


Common Topics

Visual Studio.net



Ruby on Rails




Mobile (iPhone, android, Pre, etc.)

Concepts (design patterns, etc. - not related to any language)

Other programming languages

Web Design

Google Apps




Possible topics (if there is interest)

Business issues that relate to software (starting a company, venture capital, legal issues, etc.)


Hardware devices/drivers/embedded systems

Teaching programming


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Comments (2)

Amit Sarkar said

at 11:09 pm on Sep 25, 2009

I would like to track about project management

Tammy said

at 10:31 am on Sep 26, 2009

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