

Page history last edited by Fletcher Johnon 15 years, 3 months ago

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Contributors please add yourself to this list and send us an email at with your contact info so we can contact you regarding the details. To find a list of items we need please see Items To Contribute. Cash is also always welcome. Cash contributions are $250, $500, $1,000, (or more if you can). Contributors will have their logo on the home page with a link to the page of their liking. All contributors will be thanked at the opening and closing sessions and food sponsors will be thanked before the meal. Also, contributors will have the opportunity to distribute swag and literature at the event. Contributors will be thanked by name in the email that is sent out after the event. Most importantly, the more you give, the more good geeky karma you will receive.


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We are always on the look out for more Corporate Sponsors. Please send us an email ( if you know of any companies that would be interested in participating.


Current Contributors


Please see the Sponsor Page on the camp web site for camp sponsors.


Please see the Raffle Prize Page on the wiki for a list of raffle prizes that have been donated.


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