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Come register around building 4200. Here is map of the campus.
Parking is $2 per vehicle per day. Please bring 8 quarters to feed the machine in the parking lot.
We are still looking for a Parking Sponsor but make sure you bring 8 quarters if we can not find one.
Some of the machines will also accept one dollar bills.
Travel Directions
From San Francisco:
Travel south on Interstate 280;
Exit El Monte Road;
travel west to campus entrance
Travel south on U.S. Route 101;
Exit San Antonio Road;
left turn on Foothill Expressway;
right on El Monte Road;
travel west to campus entrance.
(the 280 route is definitely the
preferred route)
From San Jose:
Travel north on Interstate 280;
Exit El Monte Road;
travel west to campus entrance;
Travel north on U.S. Route 101;
Exit San Antonio Road;
left turn on Foothill Expressway;
right on El Monte Road;
travel west to campus entrance.
(the 280 route is definitely the
preferred route)
Foothill College
12345 El Monte Road
Los Altos Hills, CA 94022
On Campus Directions
When you arrive at Foothill
follow the loop road to
Parking Lot 4. If this
lot is full, Parking Lot 5
is also a satisfactory choice.
Peninsula Level:
Foothill Campus:
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