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IronPython - Python programming for .NET



"IronPython" is the codename for a new implementation of the Python programming language on the .NET Framework. IronPython is fast-up to 1.8x faster than Python-2.4 on the standard pystone benchmark. It supports an interactive interpreter with fully dynamic compilation as well as static compilation to produce pre-compiled executables. It's well integrated with the rest of the framework and makes all .NET libraries easily available to Python programmers. This session shows how IronPython brings the power of .NET to Python and the power of Python to .NET. At OSCON 2004, the first public release of IronPython was announced. This session demonstrates the latest IronPython version in a range of situations from using GUI frameworks to asp.net to working with a variety of external libraries. We also discuss other scripting languages on .NET. Please add questions, links, comments, notes, downloads ... below.